Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Meet the Filmmakers!

Director: Jason Imhoof
Currently, Jason is a Master of Social Work student at the University of Southern California studying military and veteran services and a United States Army Reserve Officer Training Corps Cadet.  He has spent five years in the California Army Reserve National Guard working as a Behavioral Health Specialist, two of which were serving as the state’s Behavioral Health Service Non-Commissioned Officer-In-Charge.  He has dedicated himself to the well being of the service men and women and their families who sacrifice for this country.  Making The Other Side is part of that dedication.   As a member of a military family, he wants to show the unique circumstances military families face.

Jason currently lives in Los Angeles, California with his fiancĂ© Natalie and their puppy Charlie.  They will be getting married this summer and begin the new phase of their life together as a new military family. 

Producer/Editor: Megan Pitsios
Megan Pitsios is excited to be well on her way to completing her Master of Social Work degree this May at the University of Southern California!   Megan has a BA in Theatre and English Literature, and spent several years working as an actress in Chicago and Los Angeles.  Megan looks forward to marrying her passion for social justice and Art in this documentary and in many more to come!  

Producer/Editor: Ashley Hunt
Ashley Hunt, a Massachusetts native, has always had a passion for documentary filmmaking.  At Mount Holyoke College, she double majored in Politics and Film, where she explored the juxtaposition of both subjects and the interplay they have in our society.  Some of her experiences in the media lie in television and radio. Currently, she is a Masters of Social Work student at USC with a concentration in Children and Families.  As the dynamics of the military continue to change and more women are deployed, military families are shifting and taking on new roles.  She hopes that this documentary will be one way to bring attention to the issues and experiences these families face. 

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